Sunday, February 10, 2013


Another World Is Possible

Another World Is Possible. . .

"A life lived free of toil and tyranny, free of masters, free of greed and the struggle for gain, became so much the key picture presented by the first historian of the New World, Peter Martyr of Anghiera, that his English translator summed it up in the repeated word 'liberty'.  Their "aunciente libertie" (says this translator, Richard Eden, writing in the 1550s) had made the New World people "most happye of all men."  They were living in the golden age, wrote Peter Martyr (and explained Richard Eden, "of whiche owlde wryters speake so much: wherin men lyved simply and innocentlye") without even weights and measures to cause disputes, free of lawsuits and law enforcement, free of calumniating judges and the resultant learned professions of craft and deceit, free of books, free of the pernicious presence of deadly money, content only to satisfy nature -- and, added Richard Eden to his translation, incapable of servitude, having "been ever soo used to live at libertie, in play and pastyme."

. . .where "Myne and Thyne (the seedes of all myscheefe) have no place . . ." Where land was held in common, as free to all as the sunlight or the sea, "in open gardens, not intrenched with dykes, dyvyded with hedges, or defended with waules. They deal trewely one with another, without lawes, without bookes, and without Judges." Where they lived without toil, he was informed, so bounteous was their fair country and so innocent their wants, in their "free kynde of life" that was "given to Idlenes and playe." Where "they have neither kings nor princes, and consequently each is more or less as much a great lord as the other", where "They do not recognize a King or any superior, and will not subject themselves to the orders of anyone. Each is a King, master and Lord."

No landlords and no warlords.

That was the world of the Indian in the B.C. era:
Before Columbus
Before Cortez
Before Cartier
Before Champlain
Before Cook
Before Corruption
Before Coercion
Before Conquistadors
Before Control Freaks
Before Colonization
Before Conversion
Before Contamination
Before Civilization

"After his visit to the 'Five Tribes', Dawes noted of the Cherokee "The head chief told us that there was not a family in that whole Nation that had not a home of its own. There is not a pauper in that Nation, and the Nation does not owe a dollar. It built its own capitol, in which we had this examination, and built its schools and hospitals. Yet the defect of the system was apparent. They have got as far as they can go, because they hold their land in common. It is Henry George's system, and under that there is no enterprise to make your home any better than that of your neighbors. There is no selfishness, which is at the bottom of civilization. Till these people will consent to give up their lands, and divide them among their citizens so that each can own the land he cultivates, they will not make much progress."

"Everything runs smoothly without soldiers, gendarmes, or police, without nobles, kings, governors, prefects or judges; without prisons, without trials. All quarrels and disputes are settled by the whole body of those concerned. . . . The household is run communistically by a number of families; the land is tribal property, only the small gardens being temporarily assigned to the households -- still, not a bit of our extensive and complicated machinery of administration is required. . . . There are no poor and needy. The communistic household and the gens know their responsibility toward the aged, the sick and the disabled in war. All are free and equal -- including the women.  There is as yet no room for slaves nor, as a rule, for the subjugation of alien tribes..."

Another World, a better world, Is Possible.
Even the likes of Thomas Jefferson candidly admitted it:

No "Libertarian" Landlords intent on privatizing life support:
'That, on the principle of a communion of property, small societies may exist in habits of virtue, order, industry, and peace, and consequently in a state of as much happiness as Heaven has been pleased to deal out to imperfect humanity, I can readily conceive, and indeed, have seen its proofs in various small [Indian] societies which have been constituted on that principle.'-Thomas Jefferson [1822]

No Tyrants/Warlords/Bosses:
"I am convinced that those societies (as the Indians) which live without government enjoy in their general mass an infinitely greater degree of happiness than those who live under the European governments. Among the former, public opinion is in the place of law, & restrains morals as powerfully as laws ever did anywhere." - Thomas Jefferson

Another World Is Possible.
Let us make it so.

"Let us put our minds together and to see what life we can make for our Children"
 - - Tatanka Iyotake (Hunkpapa Lakota)

"Down With Bosses! No More Bosses!"
 - - John Trudell (Santee Dakota)

Excerpts from:
* New Worlds for Old - Reports from the New World and Their Effect on the Development of Social Thought in Europe, 1500-1800 by William Brandon
* Ancient Society by Lewis Henry Morgan
* Redbird Smith and the Nighthawk Keetoowahs by Janey B. Hendrix
* The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State by Frederick Engels
* Graffiti Man by John Trudell (Stickman, Lines from a Mined Mind)
> > at 3:15

Culture Clash

Sundancer Sitting Bull was many things to many people. A strongheart leader, a protector. A medicine man. Talking with Sitting Bull's great-grandson, he revealed that Sitting Bull was most proud of being a Sundancer. "Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children." I have long cherished these words by Tatanka Iyotake (aka Sitting Bull). But I lacked understanding. I was satisfied that he meant we were to be good critical thinkers, always focusing on how our decisions would affect the faceless whose time would come seven generations ahead. Recently, I received a teaching of humility. That we as individuals do not have the answers we need. That no one is a "know it all". Realizing and accepting this, we gather to listen to one another, to share our own experiences and observations and it is from this collective process that the best path can be chosen. And this teaching was there all along, had I not been oblivious to it. "Let us... ...put our minds TOGETHER..."

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